Round tables, speeches, and public discussions between experts and representatives of the automotive sector are at the heart of the Motor Valley Fest. Representatives of the major international two- and four-wheeled automotive brands and of the most important industries in the supply chain; representatives of institutions; experts; and riders will discuss the prospects and future challenges of a sector in great turmoil. The inaugural conference will take place on Thursday, May 11, at 9:00 am at the Teatro Comunale Pavarotti – Freni in Modena.
After the institutional greetings from Paolo Calvano, Councilor for Budget, Personnel, Assets, Institutional Reorganization, EU Relations of the Emilia-Romagna Region; the Mayor of Modena Gian Carlo Muzzarelli; the president of Unioncamere Andrea Prete; and Remo Taricani, Unicredit Deputy Head Italy, the director of QuattroRuote Magazine Gian Luca Pellegrini will introduce the speech of the partners of McKinsey & Company, with Andreas Cornet, Senior Partner and Michele Bertoncello, Partner.
This will be followed by the Motor Valley Top Table, a talk on highly topical issues, starting from the perspectives of the electric revolution in the world of motors. The panel features representatives of the historic brands of the Motor Valley including Andrea Pontremoli, CEO Dallara Automobili; Claudio Domenicali, CEO of Ducati Motor Holding Spa; Andrea Antichi, Chief Manufacturing Officer Ferrari Spa; Stephan Winkelmann, Chairman and CEO Automobili Lamborghini; Davide Grasso, Maserati CEO; Hannes Zanon, Commercial Director Pagani Automobili and Livia Cevolini, CEO Energica Motor Company Spa.
The morning will be closed by keynote speeches by Cristina Bombassei, Director and Chief CSR Officer of the Brembo Group; Edoardo Merli, ADG Power Transistor Sub-Group VP STMicroelectronics, Johannes – Joerg Rueger, president Bosch Engineering GmbH; and Christian Richter, Google Director Global Automotive.
At the end of the conference, the traditional ribbon cutting will be held at 1:00 pm in the honor courtyard of the Military Academy of Modena for the official start of the four-day fest.
The Motor Valley Fest conferences will continue in two dedicated locations, the Motor Valley Accelerator and the Sala Calandra Unicredit in Via Francesco Selmi 19.
B2B talks dedicated to the theme of “Evolution: the automotive sector and resources,” between ecological transition and digital innovation, will be held on Thursday afternoon, starting at 2.30 pm in the Motor Valley Accelerator area.
The first part of the conference, moderated by Gian Luca Pellegrini, will focus on the “Car and mobility supply chain” and will have informal interviews with Paolo Scudieri, President of ANFIA; Angelo Sticchi Damiani, President of ACI; and Giuseppe Molinari, President of the Study Center of the Chambers of Commerce, Guglielmo Tagliacarne.
The following discussion will feature Marco Bevilacqua, co-founder and CEO of Reefilla; Antonio Falchetti, Executive Director MTA; Alessandro Magnoni, Director of Institutional Relations Marelli EMEA; Giorgio Marsiaj, founder, president and CEO Sabelt & UI Turin; Marco Stella , Chairman of the ANFIA Components Group; Paolo Streparava, CEO of Streparava Holding Spa; Andrea Constantini, Head of Assembly and finishing Automobili Lamborghini; and Massimiliano Mastalia, Head of Wealth & Large Corporates UniCredit.
The automotive sector’s current phase of transformation is at the center of the discussion, focusing on imminent deadlines for the abandonment of traditional engines; increasingly oriented towards the ESG transition; smart mobility; the semiconductor crisis; and the repercussions of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine.
The second part of the conference, moderated by Pierluigi Bonora of Il Giornale and Simona Dell’Utri, CEO & Founder Bevalory, will be dedicated to “ESG and talents,” with interviews with Enrico Loccioni, founder Loccioni, and Andrea Pontremoli, CEO Dallara Automobili, and a round table discussion with Michele Antoniazzi, Chief Human Resources Officer Ferrari; Andrea Bozzoli, CEO HPE Coxa; Ampelio Corrado Venturi, Sicily Human Resources Director STMicroelectronics; Francesco Leali, Full Professor of Engineering UNIMORE/MUNER; and Alberto Ferrarotto, Head of Learning, Development & Talent Acquisition Automobili Lamborghini. Together, they will discuss how to involve, motivate, stimulate, and train new talents in a sector destined to employ a growing number of highly specialized professionals with an increasingly broad and vertical demand for skills.
Also on Thursday, May 11, starting at 2:30 pm, the conferences on “Innovation and finance: digitization, metaverse, and artificial intelligence” are on the agenda in the Sala Calandra Unicredit. “Digitization, connectivity, and data management,” a talk on how cybersecurity, data fog, data ownership, privacy, and AI are revolutionizing products and technologies and developing new behaviors in consumers will be moderated by Fabio de Rossi, deputy director of Motor1.com. The panelists are Juergen Reers, Senior Managing Director Accenture, Global Mobility X Lead; Stefano Marzani, Worldwide Tech Leader, Software-Defined Vehicles AWS; and Giuseppe Rosso, Vice President Qualcomm.
This will be followed by the round table attended by Rolando D’Arco, CEO Leasys; Claudio Arlandini, Project Manager HPC for industry Cineca; Giuseppe Faranda Cordella, CEO Drivesec; Teodoro Lio, Senior Managing Director Accenture, Consumer & Manufacturing Industries Lead Italia, Central Europe and Greece; Pier Paolo Tamma, Chief Digital Officer Pirelli; and Francesco Toso, CEO NEWTWEN.
At 4:00 pm, the second session, “Finance and open innovation” moderated by Dario Donato, journalist of Mediaset Tgcom 24, will address the issue of financing in the context of digitization. The so-called “transition 4.0” consists of an incentive plan implemented through tax credits to cover research and development activities, but also in innovative technologies and digital skills in the private sector. Stefano Molino, Senior Partner CDP Venture Capital; and Regina Savage, Managing Director Morgan Stanley, Investment Banking Division will talk about the role of open innovation and how it can be interpreted by large companies.
This will be followed by a round table with Enrico Chiapparoli, CEO Barclays Italy, Head of Banking Italy and Central Eastern Europe Former Head of Automotive EMEA; Enrico Dente, MVA Director; Lorenzo Maternini, Co-Founder and VP Talent Garden; Giusy Stanziola, Start Lab & Development Programs UniCredit; Giovanni Revoltella, CEO Dbag Italia; Davide Turco, Co-founder and CEO Indaco Venture Partners SGR; and Paolo Boni, CFO and Managing Director Automobili Lamborghini.
The green transition will be the focus of “The future, sustainability, and the electric,” scheduled for Friday, May 12 at the Motor Valley Accelerator starting at 9:30 am.
The first part will focus in particular on “ESG: synthetics and hydrogen” to take stock of alternative fuels and global strategic objectives, with particular reference to the logistics and transport sector. Alessandro Viviani, Forum Ambrosetti; Pierpaolo Antonioli, CTO PUNCH; Dino Brancale, AVL CEO; Valeria Loreti, Motorsport Delivery Manager Shell; Vittorio Dini, Ferrari Power Train Director; and Cristiano Musi, CEO LANDI RENZO will take part in the round table moderated by Barbara Gasperini; Pierre-Olivier Calendini, Director of Aramco’s Paris fuel research center; and Alessandro Bartelloni, FuelsEurope Director.
The second part of the morning, dedicated to “Sustainability, ESG and electrification,” will have Cecile Pera, Founder and Director of Orovelc, and Federico Vitali, Cavaliere del Lavoro, founder of the FAAM brand and vice president of FIB Spa, at the fireplace talks. At the round table moderated by Alessandro Lago, director of Motor1.com, Marco Gay, President Digital Magics; Carlo Iacovini, General Manager Energica Inside; Giulio Lancellotti, Manager Globally Responsible Software; and Services Bosch, Alberto Scaglione, Managing Director Accenture Automotive & Mobility Industry Lead for Italy, Central Europe, and Greece; Alberto Stecca, CEO and Co-founder Silla Industries; Andrea Airale, founder BeonD; and Davide Danesin, Maserati IT Program Chief Behavior Engineer will discuss if and how the European targets for the total dissolution of internal combustion vehicles by 2035 are achievable.
Also on Friday, at 9:30 am, the “Motor Valley DNA” conference will be held in Sala Calandra Unicredit. Two round tables will be dedicated to design and racing cars to discover the new trends in aerodynamics, style, and comfort with representatives of the Motor Valley brands, enthusiasts, and drivers.
The “Design & Heritage” table will be attended by Silvio Pietro Angori, CEO Pininfarina and President of the Car Design & Engineering Group – ANFIA; Flavio Manzoni, Ferrari Design Senior President; Matteo Panini, Collection Manager Umberto Panini; Francesco Perini, Head of Technical Department Pagani Automobili; Giampiero Testoni, CTO Energica Motor Company; Lowie Vemeersch, Founder & Creative Granstudio Torino; Andrea Ferraresi, director of the Ducati Motor Holdingc Style Centre; and Klaus Mosse, Head of Maserati Design.
Diego Mandolfo, Scuderia Digital Manager and Head of e-sport activities Scuderia Alpha Tauri; Nunzio Abbate, SRA-System Lab, Senior Director STMicroelectronics; Emanuele Pirro, former Formula 1 driver and 5 times winner of the 24 Hours of Le Mans; Sergio Matteo Savaresi, Full professor of the department of Polimi Electronics, Information and Bioengineering; Giovanni Delfino, CEO Tatuus Racing; and Marko Bertogna, UNIMORE Indy Autonomous Challenge Manager will sit at the “Racing & Gamification” table, moderated by Maria Leitner, well-known face of TG2 Motori.
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