
Forlì is the city of encounters and contaminations, the cradle of an ultra-century-old tradition that passes through the ruby color of Sangiovese, the harmonious lines of 17th-century buildings and the majestic Piazza Saffi.

There are 274 steps, and one must tackle them all, to reach the top of the bell tower of San Mercuriale Abbey in Piazza Saffi. A physical ordeal that pays off with a view of the entire city at a height of 75 meters. The church, in Romanesque style, has a curious shape because it is much more petite than the very tall and important bell tower. Not far away, the San Domenico Museums complex, set up in a former convent, houses the picture gallery and exhibitions of international value.

From Forlì in 20 minutes you can reach Castrocaro Terme, a charming spa center in Art Nouveau and Art Deco style. Another destination for regeneration is Fratta Terme, a hamlet of Bertinoro, a land of hospitality, a place of historic taverns and some of the most beautiful views in Romagna. Along the Via Emilia, you then come to Forlimpopoli, home of Pellegrino Artusi, the Romagna gastronome who first collected the recipes of the home cooking of that newly formed Italy of 1891. His book “Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well” thus united the country at the table and is still an international best-seller.

Cover image: Sailko_Wiki Loves Monuments – © Visit Emilia Romagna Media Library – CC BY-SA 4.0


Piazza Aurelio Saffi, 8 – Forlì

 +39 0543 712362

vista aerea sulla Rocca di Forlimpopoli

Ernesto Sguotti_Wiki Loves Monuments – © Visit Emilia Romagna Media Library – CC BY-SA 4.0

frontale del grand hotel della Fratta

Sailko_Wiki Loves Monuments – © Visit Emilia Romagna Media Library – CC BY-SA 4.0

torre del palazzo comunale di Bertinoro

Riccardo29-_Wiki Loves Monuments – © Visit Emilia Romagna Media Library – CC BY-SA 4.0

bici e cicloturismo tra le vigne e i vigneti di Albana e Sangiovese nei pressi di Forlì

Serrale88_Wiki Loves Monuments – © Visit Emilia Romagna Media Library – CC BY-SA 4.0

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Biking and bicycle touring among the vineyards and vines of Albana and Sangiovese near Forlì

Activities in
Forlì and