All education courses offered by Motor Valley universities.

Master in Electric Vehicle Engineering – MUNER

MUNER – Motorvehicle University of Emilia Romagna, is the result of synergy and connection between four Italian universities, renowned for their excellence in training, and the companies of the Motor Valley, which represent the excellence of Made in Italy in the world.

Motorvehicle University of Emilia-Romagna (MUNER)

Corso Stylist Engineering – ISSAM

Stylist Engineering is a para-university course with regional EQF6 skills certification. The goal of this course is to provide a deep and high level of knowledge in the area of Vehicle Design through a program of classes divided into several specific topics.

ISSAM – Istituto Superiore di Scienza dell’Automobile di Modena

Automotive Engineering Course – ISSAM

Through teaching and understanding of engineering and vehicle-specific subjects, professionals and technicians for the automotive and motorsport industry are qualified with a thorough knowledge of automotive sciences.

ISSAM – Istituto Superiore di Scienza dell’Automobile di Modena

Motor Valley training centres

Universities, academies and specialised centres to deliver automotive training.

A world of learning experiences