Ferrara still retains its splendor today, amid medieval alleys such as Via delle Volte, unique palaces such as Palazzo dei Diamanti, wide green spaces and bike paths, so much so that it has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The Castello Estense towers with its moat of water, the cathedral is identical to the one that in 1502 welcomed the pompous wedding of Lucrezia Borgia to Duke Alfonso I d’Este, while the surrounding area is home to the many Delizie, i.e., the Este family’s holiday residences.
From the city’s dock you can reach by water the Po and then the sea, as far as the Gorino lighthouse. We are in the protected area of the Po Delta Park, whose capital is Comacchio, also called Little Venice because of its canals and scenic bridges. Among beaches, seaside resorts and fresh fish markets, the eel, accompanied by coppia, Ferrara’s typical bread with IGP recognition, is undoubtedly worth tasting.
Largo Castello – Ferrara
+ 39 0532 419190