In response to the challenges that the coronavirus pandemic has wrought on in-person gatherings, the various brands of Italy’s most prestigious motor vehicles will turn to the Internet when they discuss the future of the automotive industry and the new trends that will characterize it.
Motor Valley Fest 2020 will expand its reach and enter the homes of thousands of fans worldwide with this innovative, online edition, enhancing its digital dimension, while optimizing its international network, to become a platform for promoting the entire Emilia-Romagna region, and with it, Italy.
The program therefore will not just focus strictly on motor-vehicles but also emphasize the productive nature of Italy –highlighting its various industries, its prestigious universities and research institutes, its storied history and culture, and the skills and conviviality of its professionals.
International events leveraging scientific-technological know-how have been confirmed thanks to a media project dedicated to the new frontiers of the sector, including the potential of the electric sector and experiments in the field of assisted driving. Efforts are being made to optimize Motor Valley Fest 2020’s platforms with the channels and networks of these pop-up events.
Start-ups, universities and students, the protagonists of tomorrow, will meet virtually in the largest forum designed to date, to talk about work, professional prospects, educational paths and innovation.
The conference will begin virtually, on Thursday, May 14, and feature prestigious Italian and international speakers, with key notes on specific, in-depth themes being live-streamed for a global audience.
There will be an “Innovation & Talents” section, dedicated to talents, the university world and start-ups. Meetings between university students and companies will take place with a new interactive look, including a virtual networking area designed to showcase the professional opportunities in the Emilian Motor Valley.
Motor Valley Fest is organized by the Emilia Romagna Region and its Tourism Board, the Municipality of Modena, the Motor Valley Development Association, Meneghini & Associati, with the support of ENIT, ACI, the Modena Chamber of Commerce, the Modena Foundation, BolognaFiere, MotorSport Network, in partnership with UniCredit and financed under the European Funds 2014-2020 of the Emilia Romagna Region – Por Fesr.
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