The first phase of the project “road safety for young people” was successfully completed, service promoted and organized by the Lions Club Parma Host.
The Agents of the Municipal Police of Parma, partner of the project together with Scuderia de Adamich, ACI Parma and the Regional Scholastic Office, completed the first session of school lessons on Road Safety, at the schools from Parma participating in the project: Melloni, Bertolucci , Rondani, Ipsia, Itis and Giordani.
30 classes and about 700 students actively participated in classroom teaching sessions, based on the most significant aspects of road regulations and the correct behaviors to be adopted for a safer and more aware driving experience, a very important preparatory phase for the next meeting at the Paganini Auditorium in Parma, confirmed for next April 17th.
The lessons at the schoold will continue with a second session in March, intended to involve additional schools and about a thousand additional students.
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