An event that for 30 years has served as a meeting point between sport and exceptional personalities, today the historical re-enactment of the Mille Miglia is an unparalleled event: combining tradition, innovation, creativity, elegance, scenic beauty and lifestyle of our country has made the Mille Miglia a unique event. This year, Cervia will host the first stage of the prestigious competition. Don’t miss out on the arrival and departure of the cars.
On this occasion there will also be the re-enactment of the Mototemporada, the historic series of spring motorbike races that, between 1945 and 1971, were carried out on the city circuits of the Riviera and inland Romagna, such as Milano Marittima, Lugo, Cesenatico, Rimini, Riccione and Cattolica.
Organized by:
Cervia Turismo
Area involved: