Master Aerodynamics – Experis Academy

Experis Academy

Experis Academy’s Master in Aerodynamics, designed in collaboration with Dallara, is a 160-hour course that provides solid and distinctive preparation on aerodynamic engineering applied to racing vehicles, The aim is to train highly specialized engineers and profiles.

Who the master’s program aims to reach

The Master is aimed at graduates in engineering: aerospace, mechanics, automotive or related who wish to converge their career in the world of motorsport. Participation in the training course is also open to professionals already active in the sector who need to consolidate and strengthen their skills.

Course program

The Master has a technical/engineering focus,the entire program, composed of vertical modules, involves in the role of teachers professionals from the best companies in the world racing, who bring their experience to the classroom and will transfer knowledge and skills in the field of aerodynamics.
The training course allows you to deepen the following areas:

• Fluid Dynamics
• Aerodynamic measurements on cars
• Complete car development cycle
• Numerical aerodynamics – CFD
• Aerodynamic product development: Covered wheels, Uncovered wheels, American, Formula1

group photos of students and teachers around a model racing car
group photos of students and teachers around a model racing car

Target group: The Master of Engineering addresses graduates in: Aerospace, Mechanics, Automotive or related who wish to converge their career in the world of Motorsport, The Master is also open to professionals who want to acquire new skills in this field.
Period: October 2024 – May 2025, weekend formula: Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
More information: for more information, please visit.

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