NGV Powertrain

Born in the heart of the Motor Land, NGV Powertrain is an innovative greentech company driven by a great ambition: environmental, social and economic sustainability.

Sustainable solutions

The “motor clinic,” thanks to strong skills and expertise, offers innovative and sustainable solutions for its customers and the environment.

Engineering services from A to Z

An offering that is not limited to the supply of innovative motors, but expands by offering experience and know-how to customers in different sectors.

mappa motor valley con segnata reggio emilia

In the heart of the Motor Valley

NGV Powertrain si trova in via Roald Amundsen, 1, 42122 Reggio Emilia.

Le mani di due meccanici powertrain che lavorano sulla testata di un motore
The hands of two powertrain mechanics working on the cylinder head of an engine