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Davide Abate

Chief Technologies and Infrastructures Officer Ferrari

Davide Abate has been Chief Technologies and Infrastructures Officer since January 2022.

He was previously Head of Technologies at Ferrari from October 2020, and held various managerial roles in the manufacturing area including Head of Prototype Construction from 2017 to 2020.

Before joining Ferrari in 2012, he took managerial roles in technical areas at Ducati Motor Holding.

He holds a Ferrari Corporate Executive MBA from Bologna Business School and a master's degree in Process Engineering from Bocconi School of Management, as well as a degree in Automotive Engineering from Turin Polytechnic.

Davide Abate

Sessions in which speaker are involved

2 May 2024

09:00 | 13:00



Teatro Pavarotti, Corso Canalgrande, 85 - Modena

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