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University of Salento

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University of Salento

The University of Salento is a community, made up of students, lecturers and technical-administrative staff, which recognises itself in the free promotion of research and teaching as instruments of human development, the affirmation of pluralism and the pursuit of equal social dignity, in full independence from any ideological, political, religious or
economic orientation. Within the university community no one may be discriminated against, in any way or form, because of their study, research and teaching choices.
The University of Salento guarantees its students equal opportunities and equal dignity by promoting merit and enhancing excellence and supports applied and basic research by recognising the principle of evaluation.
In addition to the two fundamental objectives of education and research, the University of Salento pursues a third mission, i.e. it works to promote the direct application, valorisation and use of knowledge in order to contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of the area in which it operates.
Internationally, the University of Salento pursues all forms of collaboration to foster mutual knowledge and enrichment between cultures, the circulation of knowledge and the exchange of students and staff.

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