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Museo della moto di Scortichino - Glorie Italiane

A private museum that collects Italian and international motorbikes from the 50s until the 90s, with competition, cross-country, trial, tourism models, as well as models for everyday use such as Vespas or Lambrettas.

The museum project involves a constant renewal of new vehicles with the addition of new historical elements that have been restored and/or preserved.

The large tree-lined park of the museum lends itself to hosting rallies and motor-assemblies for enthusiasts of vintage motorbikes.

Visit the Museo Glorie Italiane


Opening hours:
booking required on +39 338 3322384. Saturday and Sunday from 10am – 12pm and 3pm – 7pm.
The museum is located in Via Cimarosa 44012, Scortichino di Bondeno FE”
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